“Lovelcon has provided their Non Profit service approximately 25 years and I see that they provide their service with more trust and honesty to change for a better future and make people happy.”
“Compared to the other organizations in the world I have seen that the service Lovecon provides is safe and their service much better than the other care organizations in the world.”
“They are giving their service 24/7 to help the people who are needy. Once I informed them that A man was in trouble. They helped that man within 1 hr and solved that problem and I was impressed.”
“Lovelcon has provided their Non Profit service approximately 25 years and I see that they provide their service with more trust and honesty to change for a better future and make people happy.”
“Compared to the other organizations in the world I have seen that the service Lovecon provides is safe and their service much better than the other care organizations in the world.”
“They are giving their service 24/7 to help the people who are needy. Once I informed them that A man was in trouble. They helped that man within 1 hr and solved that problem and I was impressed.”
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Legitimació: Consentiment de l’interessat.
Destinataris: No es cediran dades a tercers excepte per obligació legal.
Drets: Accedir, rectificar i suprimir les seves dades, així com altres drets, que poden exercir tal com s’especifica a la política de privacitat del nostre lloc web: https://aiserveis.com/suporte